Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Skill for Success: Talking to Others

Does the idea of talking to people make you break out in a sweat? Despite technological advances that make network marketing easier than ever, the power behind it is that personal connection. To be successful you must develop the skill of talking to others. Here are some ways to become more comfortable talking to people.


  • Incoherency – Someone might be perfectly fine putting thoughts together in writing, but their words get all jumbled in the stress of a social situation.
  • Mind Goes Blank – Most of us have experienced this phenomenon, which can increase someone’s worry and anxiety about speaking to others.
  • Inability to Put Thoughts into Words – Sometimes when people are anxious and have had uncomfortable or awkward experiences, they grow unaccustomed to having to put thoughts into words on the spot.
  • Feelings of Inferiority/Superiority – When people struggle and others don’t seem to, they can feel inferior. Others might have the opposite reaction and feel disdain for others.
  • Fear of Being Judged – This fear underlies most of the previous reasons. We know the way we perceive others affects how we interact with them.



Changing your behavior can be scary. Understand that for a time you might feel like a beginner, but it’s the only way to change your social comfort level for the better. It may take time, and it may not always be fun, but you can do it! Here are some tips:

  • Start Strong – If you go somewhere and decide to talk to someone, start right away. The longer you wait the easier it is to procrastinate.
  • Get a Supportive Friend – If you really have a hard time, take a supportive friend with you into a situation to encourage you. Studies have shown that those that feel loved and supported by close friends are much more confident when speaking in public. You have a team around you in this business to give you support. Take advantage of this network!
  • Ease Into It – Many people find it easy to speak to a friend, and it gets harder and harder to talk in groups. So start with one person at a time. The great news is that in our business, you don’t have to get up and speak for an hour in front of a room full of people. You just have to talk to one person at a time. That’s all.
  • Use the Strategy of Visualize, Relax, and Practice – See yourself being successful, use relaxation techniques, and practice. (See more in this short video.)
  • Just Say “Hello” – It’s not complicated. Just start with the basics: a greeting. Then you can always ask a question or two to get the conversation started.
  • Don’t Expect Anything – Don’t go into the interaction with huge expectations. If you’re talking to someone about the business/product, don’t take it personally if they’re not interested. Also, understand that you don’t know what kind of day they’ve had or what’s going on in their life.
  • It Only Takes 20 Seconds of Courage – That’s right. You don’t have to be brave for a long time. Just 20 seconds. You can do anything for 20 seconds, right? 

You don’t need to be anxious about talking to others. Get out there and talk to people! Use the power of a personal connection to drive your business—and improve the quality of your life.

Let us know how you are doing in the comments, or if you have found any other tips/tricks that have helped you overcome the anxiety of talking to people.

*image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici -

Additional Resources:
Forbes article “Why Public Speaking Scares You and How to Overcome Your Fear”
Calm Clinic “Why Anxiety Causes a Fear of Talking”
Mayo Clinic “How Can I Overcome My Fear of Public Speaking?”

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