Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My WHY: Team Leaders Chris Bailey & Alton Patterson

As part of our vision week, we asked team leaders to share their WHY. Today, we hear from two leaders who have in the last two months traveled to Africa, the Caribbean, or Jamaica—Team Elite Chris Bailey and Blue Diamond Alton Patterson. They epitomize the importance of having a vision and knowing your WHY. It has sustained them in their business for years, and they are still going strong. 

 Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

CHRIS BAILEY (Team Elite): To help everyone to freedom that wants it.

My "Why" for joining Syntek Global" was to give my family the life WE all dream of, and to take care of my and my wife's mothers.  As time has gone along, my original "Why" is still there but it now has expanded.  Now, I'm focused on helping people change their lives all over the world.  The business is so rewarding.  I've never dreamed it could be this great.  My life is now changed forever and my goal is to help as many people have the feeling that I have as best as possible.  Helping everyone to FREEDOM that wants it.  This is "Why" I'm with Syntek Global and continue to push every day.

ALTON PATTERSON (Blue Diamond) : to retire my mom, create a stream of residual for my family, and give back to many who are less fortunate and well deserving.

Syntek Global was introduced to me by my business partner and childhood friend, Mr. Samuel Robinson. I must admit that I was not interested in getting involved, based on past experience with other companies. However, I could not deny one thing; I was personally looking for a way to cut my monthly fuel expenses. I've used others in the past with only minimal results. I decided to use Xtreme Fuel Treatment and must admit, I was quite pleased with the result—only then was my eyes open to the opportunity.

Five months after my initial and continuous usage, we decide to share the opportunity with others. I always believed in the industry and definitely wanting that product/service, that would give me a vehicle that would allow me to retire my mom, create a stream of residual for my family, give back to many who are less fortunate and well deserving. After 3 ½ years with Syntek Global, we now have business partners in more than 13 countries around the world and have yet to travel to 80% of them. I must say thanks to our four  founders for the vision, the corporate staff for their support,  and our team/partners for believing in me (without them, none of this would be possible).

We'd love to hear your WHY in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Very good have fun ,its reach our time with syntek global


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