Monday, July 29, 2013

Motivational Monday: Chinese Bamboo Trees and Success

You. Chinese Bamboo. Success.

Chinese Bamboo is nice--especially if you're a panda--but what does it have to do with you or your success in life?

To understand that, let us tell you about the Chinese Bamboo Tree. The Chinese Bamboo Tree reaches heights close to 100 feet, and has countless uses: food, furniture, art, in construction, as fences, and even to build houses. However, this amazing plant doesn’t grow like most trees.

First, you take the seed and you plant it. You water it. You fertilize it…

A year goes by and you see nothing.

The second year starts, and you nurture the little seedling. You water it. You fertilize it.

Another year passes and . . . nothing.

The third year is the same. The fourth year comes and goes. And the whole time you are tending that seed, watering and fertilizing and taking care of it.

And you see absolutely nothing.

Then, the fifth year comes. And something extraordinary happens. Sometime during that fifth year, the Chinese Bamboo Tree sprouts—with a vengeance.

It grows up to 90 feet in one season!!

It may seem like it only grew for one season, but it was really growing for five years. The first four years, when you couldn’t see any progress, the Chinese Bamboo tree was actually growing an incredibly strong root system. This strong root system is exactly what it needed to support its exponential growth in the fifth year—and beyond.

So what does a Chinese Bamboo tree have to do with success and you? When you first start a business, it doesn’t always grow quickly. You may even be following a blueprint given you from those who are wildly successful, and still not see growth like you want.

Don’t get discouraged!

Remember the Chinese Bamboo tree and realize that if you are taking action and working on your business and learning and growing and nurturing those seeds, then you are building a strong root system so your business can handle the growth explosion when it comes. 

This can apply to more than just building your business, too. Sometimes we don't see progress or growth for a while in other aspects of our life, like relationships, parenting, personal growth, etc. It can be hard in a world obsessed with immediate gratification. Often, those things that are most worth it simply take work over time.

The key is to persist.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”  ~Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

We want to thank Akuoma Osuka for sharing this inspirational thought on our Facebook page. He said: “This is one of those lessons that really sticks with you. The Chinese Bamboo Tree teaches us success lessons on patience, faith, perseverance, growth and development, and most surprising of all… human potential!”

Monday, July 22, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Syntek Employee Gives Back to Students at her Alma Mater

One of the core values at Syntek Global is giving back. Quennie Leduna, a Syntek Global Philippines employee, is making a difference in her community. She distributed over 140 backpacks to the Talave Elementary School in Negros Occidental, Philippines, where she attended as a child.

The students were very happy to receive the backpacks—as you can see by their smiles. The school faculty was also appreciative of the donations.  A new backpack may seem like a simple way to help, but it is a big thing to these children.

 Way to go, Quennie! It’s just another example how the Syntek Global family continues 
to Make a Difference!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Syntek Success Story: Andrew Annor Apo’s desire to help others drives his success in Ghana

Andrew lives in Accra, Ghana with his lovely wife, Boatemma, and their four children. Before joining Syntek Global, Andrew studied engineering at a prep college. However, during his studies he didn’t feel well equipped to be an engineer, and believed he would find greater success on the streets on his own.

In 1993, Andrew embarked on his quest for success. He started out as an employee at a travel agency, quickly moved on to a sales position at a top mobile company, and then on to an exclusive furniture company in the sales department. After a decade and a half, Andrew decided those occupations were not what he was looking for. He wanted a better life for himself and his family.

Andrew searched and searched for an opportunity that would lead him to success. He joined two network marketing companies, but quickly noticed in both businesses the lack of leadership and drive he desired, so he quit. He continued exploring online and in June of 2011 he found Josh Zwagil, a top leader here at Syntek Global. Syntek Global presented Andrew with the opportunity he had been longing to find. 

Syntek Global was exactly what Andrew had been looking for. Syntek wasn’t like the other MLMs. The main focus wasn’t on the money, but was on teams, relationships, and a motivating leadership.

Andrew joined! Syntek Global offered him the chance to make his dream of becoming a leader and main figure in a company a reality. The outstanding leadership is what convinced Andrew to stick with Syntek. He believes it’s all about following the trainings, shadowing the leaders above you, and continuing to pass on attained knowledge as a leader to your team.

Andrew has seen growth beyond his imagination. He continues to build leaders, who will continue to build more leaders. 

Andrew is very passionate about helping people realize their dreams. In Africa it takes money to help people. Andrew says, “It’s more than just talking the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk too!” Syntek does just that; it’s an opportunity to make dreams come true.

The leadership at Syntek believed in Andrew and knew he could do it. Andrew says, “It’s possible! Ghana can do it. It’s important to build leaders and to help people understand that. We can change our future!”

Pioneering the entire country of Ghana, Andrew has built a massive organization, hitting the top rank of Blue Diamond in record time and becoming the first international Blue Diamond. He continues to inspire his team to do the same. His vision and dream is to build the largest MLM organization in Africa and give hope to the thousands of unemployed youth through the Syntek Global opportunity.  

Andrew thanks God daily for the strength He gives him, and for this wonderful change that He brought into his life. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Michelle Lucas Makes A Difference in the Philippines

Syntek Global Distributor Michelle Lucas is giving back to the community in a big way. She helped distribute 1000 donated Syntek Global backpacks to elementary school children in the poor area of Angono, Rizal, Philippines. Mayor Gerry Calderon then added school supplies to each backpack. The recipients were very poor children who cannot afford a pencil or a pair of slippers, but now have new backpacks and supplies to start school.

Way to go, Michelle! This is just another example of how Syntek Global distributors Make a Difference every day!