Saturday, July 19, 2014

Success Story: Michael M. Farquharson Reaches Diamond While Changing Lives

Michael M. Farquharson has discovered that when you focus on personal growth and helping others, success follows. Now he has earned the rank of Diamond.

At one point in his life, Micheal began to feel like a “hamster on a wheel,” so he started searching for alternatives to the normal way of doing things. This search for a better way led him to network marketing. He enjoyed some degree of success in a few companies—until the recession hit and all appeared to be lost.

“I prayed, asking for an intervention, one which would allow me to change thousands of lives,” he said. Then he found Syntek Global.

Michael says that his rise to reach the rank of Diamond was not astronomical, like some leaders. “My growth actually began when I decide to engage in personal development,” he said. “During this incredible journey, I learned about the law of attraction, the unimaginable value of belief, the importance of persistence, and the undeniable ‘must’ of hard work and ‘stick-to-itiveness.’”

He learned the value of patience, the importance of integrity, and that you have to really care for folks. Michael stresses the value of hope and dreams and focus and togetherness. He shares with his team how undeniably far-reaching it can be when you contribute to individuals’ growth and success.

“My purpose is to change lives,” he says. “I am a work in progress and so I keep working on me. My goal is that my rank achievements will be a reflection of the number of lives that I have changed.” He is proud to be a part of the Syntek family and grateful to the founders who had a vision to Make Things Happen in so many lives across the globe.

We want to congratulate Michael on achieving Diamond 
and helping so many others change their lives for the better!

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