Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Q&A: Dealing with feelings of inadequacy

On our Facebook page, we do Friday Q&A to answer specific questions sent to us or if we see several questions about the same topic. Today’s question comes  from a distributor.

Question: How does one overcome feelings of inadequacy when talking to professionals about the business? For instance, I have a bachelor’s degree but have never held a management position. How can I connect with them if I have never been where they are?

Answer: It seems these days many of us live with barriers that prevent us from accomplishing what we want or living the life we want. Like this distributor, perhaps one of your barriers is feeling inadequate when talking to certain people about the business. Since word-of-mouth is the foundation of network marketing, at some point you will likely approach someone that has more education than you, or has achieved a higher position in a company than you ever have, or who knows more about this, that, or the other than you do.

Maybe making a connection with others is a barrier for you. You worry that you might not have enough common ground with someone to be able to share the opportunity.

First, we want to assure you that you can break through these barriers. Syntek Global has provided ways for you to overcome them. We will teach you what to do. You just have to follow our simple, basic system that’s already been proven to work.

The next thing to understand is that you are not trying to sell yourself. The product and the opportunity can speak for themselves. You simply need believe in the message you are sharing.  Genuine conviction and enthusiasm will touch anyone you talk to, no matter what their background.  Think back to the last time someone told you about an amazing experience they had—how their eyes lit up and their gestures naturally became more animated. You were drawn in to what they were saying because of their energy and conviction, not their credentials.

You do not have to be an expert; in fact, we don’t want you to try to be. It’s easy to fall into the details trap—wanting to tell everyone about the test data, or the science behind the product, etc. But that isn’t our system, and actually detracts from what has been proven to work. Syntek Global has created a system that anyone can use. Share the product/opportunity with a few short remarks—and some confidence—and then direct interested people to the resources corporate has provided.

The power of network marketing is in the individual connection—from person to person. And no matter what position a prospect holds, or what degrees they have, when you come down to it, they are simply a person, just like you.

You can do this! And we will help you.

For more detailed training on how to talk to people and our simple system that has been proven to work with thousands of people, see The System-->Training in the Back Office.

*If you have questions you would like considered for our Friday Q&A, please ask us on Facebook or email directly to

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